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500pxl.111.01111 0f365db8 d1a5 4d10 aab8 d7bf7945def7 large
Current winning streak 0
Longest winnng streak 1
Trend -23 (Points)
Elo Points 1177
Highest points 1200 Points (-23)
Lowest points 1177 Points (0)
Matches played 5
Dominik J.
is the best partner
500pxl.111.01111 0f365db8 d1a5 4d10 aab8 d7bf7945def7 large
Dominik J.
the worst
500pxl.111.01111 0f365db8 d1a5 4d10 aab8 d7bf7945def7 large

Match history (last 100 matches)

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