Alle Spiele
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Team Ranking
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Flag of Germany
Team 1
David F
Paul C
Don M
Wyatt H
Armando S
Goran A
Zach L
Baqar S
Ivan K
Peter D
David F
Paul C
Don M
Wyatt H
Armando S
Goran A
Zach L
Baqar S
Ivan K
Peter D
Team 2
David F
Paul C
Don M
Wyatt H
Armando S
Goran A
Zach L
Baqar S
Ivan K
Peter D
David F
Paul C
Don M
Wyatt H
Armando S
Goran A
Zach L
Baqar S
Ivan K
Peter D
This is the list of recent matches. You've either not entered any matches or your last match's older than 2 weeks.
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