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37996646 356942871509948 2012368005547163648 n.jpg? nc ht=scontent ams3 1.cdninstagram
Current winning streak 0
Longest winnng streak 6
Trend 12 (Points)
Elo Points 1250
Highest points 1276 Points (-26)
Lowest points 1191 Points (59)
Matches played 105
is the best partner
37996646 356942871509948 2012368005547163648 n.jpg? nc ht=scontent ams3 1.cdninstagram
Omg ginger meme
the worst
37996646 356942871509948 2012368005547163648 n.jpg? nc ht=scontent ams3 1.cdninstagram
Luffy of one piece

Match history (last 100 matches)

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