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2032842909 70c45192 6855 43f8 ac3d 6f9fe25e27b4 lb02qofawa7
Current winning streak 1
Longest winnng streak 4
Trend 41 (Points)
Elo Points 1004
Highest points 1208 Points (-204)
Lowest points 929 Points (75)
Matches played 149
is the best partner
2032842909 70c45192 6855 43f8 ac3d 6f9fe25e27b4 lb02qofawa7
Tumblr static db7d0auzwzcwwswwco4kg08s0
the worst
2032842909 70c45192 6855 43f8 ac3d 6f9fe25e27b4 lb02qofawa7

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