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Mohamed salah fc liverpool 26052018 1di7cgg6w4nxu1m101r5y8mlrv
Current winning streak 0
Longest winnng streak 12
Trend 115 (Points)
Elo Points 1277
Highest points 1284 Points (-7)
Lowest points 1158 Points (119)
Matches played 73
Boazn Kini
is the best partner
Bildschirmfoto 2016 11 22 um 11 20 15 680x314
Mohamed salah fc liverpool 26052018 1di7cgg6w4nxu1m101r5y8mlrv
the worst
Fvkzvvgp 400x400
Mohamed salah fc liverpool 26052018 1di7cgg6w4nxu1m101r5y8mlrv

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