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Uspenskaya Elena

130892cf 288f 44e3 b8f0 56a0fc965a55
Current winning streak 0
Longest winnng streak 2
Trend 0 (Points)
Elo Points 1200
Highest points 1216 Points (-16)
Lowest points 1192 Points (8)
Matches played 10
Melnikov Alexey
is the best partner
Photo 2022 12 04 11 36 05
130892cf 288f 44e3 b8f0 56a0fc965a55
Shishakov Igor
the worst
B2ae851c dfc4 42d0 b163 44e82d864d97
130892cf 288f 44e3 b8f0 56a0fc965a55

Match history (last 100 matches)

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