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Kulyasov Pavel

4c3cbc8f 5ca0 4043 8826 02a326236dff
Current winning streak 2
Longest winnng streak 3
Trend -16 (Points)
Elo Points 1110
Highest points 1192 Points (-82)
Lowest points 1096 Points (14)
Matches played 62
Vostrilov Ilya
is the best partner
F3f35d76 48cd 4ef4 a83b 27c1b6c89c78
4c3cbc8f 5ca0 4043 8826 02a326236dff
Ivanov Dmitriy
the worst
1271ca41 3816 4167 af82 b9e140ea8a02
4c3cbc8f 5ca0 4043 8826 02a326236dff

Match history (last 100 matches)

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