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Pokrovskiy Andrey

82f9e556 d95c 4fe7 9586 94222887239f
Current winning streak 0
Longest winnng streak 4
Trend -51 (Points)
Elo Points 1115
Highest points 1192 Points (-77)
Lowest points 1115 Points (0)
Matches played 41
Sokolova Diana
is the best partner
E27dcd31 ea91 4cf0 8dc5 b220b1e28ff7
82f9e556 d95c 4fe7 9586 94222887239f
Yakovlev Georgiy
the worst
82f9e556 d95c 4fe7 9586 94222887239f
5f50fb07 2091 4b59 8e71 c41c498016f7

Match history (last 100 matches)

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