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Eneko Bereziartua

Mxxwmb7gr3azrtfcj942 tasmaniandevilpupsarcophilusharrisii
Current winning streak 1
Longest winnng streak 5
Trend -84 (Points)
Elo Points 1061
Highest points 1209 Points (-148)
Lowest points 1050 Points (11)
Matches played 297
Jason "The Law"
is the best partner
Mxxwmb7gr3azrtfcj942 tasmaniandevilpupsarcophilusharrisii
Joe Uberuaga
the worst
Caracal   caracal caracal
Mxxwmb7gr3azrtfcj942 tasmaniandevilpupsarcophilusharrisii

Match history (last 100 matches)

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